Is Round Planet the Funny Moments

Round Planet (TV Series 2016) Poster

10 /10

Funny and educational

I'm so happy that they finally decided to make a nature show funny as well!! Nature is already entairtaing and they just made it better. I love learning about animals and I love laughing and this is a perfect mix of both.

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9 /10


Great footage with an interesting and funny twist on the narration, allows you to learn from nature and the human humor.

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10 /10


This is the most hilarious and educational series out there!!! I wish there was more of these I'm an environmental science major and I watch a lot documentaries and after a while its the same old stuff but this was so refreshing I couldn't stop laughing even rewatched it with my boyfriend !

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10 /10

Beautiful and very funny, but for adults.

Some of the same footage used for the BBC "Planet" documentaries with a much better narrator. The writing and narration is excellent, if slightly blue, and the visuals are astounding. Bonus: it's not preachy. It is not, however, for small children. I'm glad I watched this alone instead of with my daughters.

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9 /10

Beautiful and hilarious

It has the amazing footage and stirring music from other series like Planet Earth, recombined in shorter episodes with funny narration. He says things you're thinking, like "A baby penguin! It's so cute!" OK, maybe the side bits like getting phone calls in the studio weren't necessary, but they don't bother me. I'm really disappointed that Netflix has dropped it, and there don't seem to be DVDs available anywhere.

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10 /10

Not a documentary fan?

I have watched every nature nature doxcumentry that Netflix has had for the last 5 years or longer. Many times over. I like documentaries but most of my friends make fun of me.

This one however. Is a good way to get people who don't want to "learn" to watch a documentary. There are many adult comments so watch on your own before showing to children to decied if it's suitable for them. It is however halarious.

Great fun while learning about interesting animals.

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10 /10

Great show!

I understand that the combination of pictures as well as audio can be somewhat overwhelming for some people. If this describes you then maybe you should pick a simpler show to watch. Not only have I learned a ton from watching Round Planet, but it is very enjoyable to watch. It's funny, informative, and visually appealing.

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2 /10

Don't expect a documentary... or a comedy

I've watched a lot of nature documentaries, but I'm definitely not a purist for the documentary format or for Attenborough's narration style. I'd absolutely love it if they made Snoop Dogg's Plizzanet Earth into a full documentary/comedy series. Round Earth is nothing like Plizzanet Earth. Round Earth is neither a comedy or a documentary because it fails at both of those genres.

As a documentary, if you've already seen Planet Earth, this show doesn't have any new shots or information for you. It literally uses the same footage, but only half of it, and maybe 10% of the information, so definitely don't go into this expecting a documentary.

As a comedy, it's far from the mockumentary that I was hoping for. I expected something similar to Plizzanet Earth, but it turned out to be a series of bad jokes read while the footage plays in the background. I only watched episode 1, but I only laughed once or twice in the whole episode, and the rest of the episode was so unfunny that it cancelled out any actual humor.

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3 /10

Great Nature Filming Ruined By Absurd Narration!

I do not know who's idea it was to hire a comedian to do nature commentary but he ruined the series and made of himself. I have watched Blue Planet, Our Planet and many more. The intelligent and informative narration in those shows added to the overall greatness. His jokes about global warming maybe being real were ignorant. He ruined the series for me. I had to stop watching. It made me want to go and watch the great Netflix series again - Our Planet.

With professional, informed narration, it would have been a ten.

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9 /10


It's time we had a bit of humor.

The shots are fantastic. The narrative is a narration. Relax. It's funny, poignant, and on point.


It's educational, descriptive and deceptively funny. That is the point!!

It's brilliant. Sir David Attenborough cannot be the only voice. Nor should he. And it shouldn't be Oprah.

Have a sense of humor. Families can watch this program together. Isn't that the point? Isn't that was we want? Parents and children enjoying a nature program together; having a laugh?

To the purist: this is not for you To everyone else: enjoy! There is something special about this show.

It's for watching in a group. Whatever that means to you. Enjoy.

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9 /10

Outstanding and fun to watch

If you're looking for a serious nature show go and watch something else.

The humor is the intent of the show and it works incredible well. You'll also learn a lot about nature, but in a goofy sort of way. It is well written and I loved every episode. I can't wait for it to return to streaming somewhere.

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1 /10

What a shame

David Attenborough was correct. This show has amazing filming and beautiful shots of the wild but the narration ruins the entire show. The narration takes away from the beauty of what is being filmed. Matt Lucas, Armstrong Wedgewood sounds creepy and I had to put a face to his voice and he's a weird creepy guy that thinks he's funny but just sounds weird and is not funny at all and is ruining the show. I had to watch it on mute with subtitles on to be able to see the beautiful videos. If David Attenborough had been narrating this show it'd be 10 times better and fun to watch. It would also b more liked and popular and educational and maub last more than a season. Not cool BBC

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10 /10

Warning: show is not meant to be taken seriously

This is a wonderful disaster of a show. Atop what can only be a recut of some footage that BBC Earth had lying around, we see some absolutely unhinged commentary, banging on about how Yellowstone can blow at any moment. Normally, a nature documentary would mention this but Wedgewood seems to delight in bringing up, repeatedly, that it could blow, when talking about every single animal, and it gets hilarious. He promotes a cruise he speaks on in one episode, and it's clear that in-universe they don't do multiple takes.

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